Livestock ministry

Livestock ministry: Miyetti Allah says Tinubu’s critics narrow-mindedLivestock ministry: Miyetti Allah says Tinubu’s critics narrow-minded

Livestock ministry: Miyetti Allah says Tinubu’s critics narrow-minded

Livestock ministry: Miyetti Allah says Tinubu's critics narrow-minded The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has criticized those…

8 months ago
Miyetti Allah demands livestock ministry, rejects animal husbandry billMiyetti Allah demands livestock ministry, rejects animal husbandry bill

Miyetti Allah demands livestock ministry, rejects animal husbandry bill

Miyetti Allah demands livestock ministry, rejects animal husbandry bill The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has rejected a…

9 months ago
Miyetti Allah demands Federal Ministry of Livestock, opposes anti-open grazing lawMiyetti Allah demands Federal Ministry of Livestock, opposes anti-open grazing law

Miyetti Allah demands Federal Ministry of Livestock, opposes anti-open grazing law

The Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, a Fulani socio-cultural association, has asked the Federal Government to create a Ministry of Livestock…

4 years ago