Robert Omo, a Nigerian residing in Avellino, southern Italy, has been arrested for the murder of a Chinese man in the country. According to the Times of...
John Nassy, a 29-year-old Nigerian man, faces 10 years in prison in the United States after pleading guilty to involvement in a $2.5 million money laundering...
Nigerian students, who have got admission into American universities for August to September intakes, have expressed fears that they may not be able to fulfil their...
Roberto Bizzari, the lawyer to Fillipo Ferlazzo, the Italian who beat Alika Ogorchukwu, a 39-year-old Nigerian to death on Friday, has presented new facts about the...
The Italian police have arrested a man over the brutal killing of a physically-challenged Nigerian, Alike Ogochukwu. According to available information, Filippo Claudio Giuseppe Ferlazzo, 32,...
The identities of the two Nigerian men who were shot dead on Saturday by gunmen at the ATL Lounge in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada, have been revealed....
Ismaila Olaniyan Olawale, a 42-year-old Nigerian man, died in a tragic drowning incident which occurred in the Hudson River, New York, over the weekend. According to,...
The police have arrested a Nigerian woman, Peace Ofoego for breaking into multiple private mansions to sleep in Hamptons, New York. The 32-year-old woman has been...
Okoroafor Chibuike Okoro, a Nigerian residing in Haryana, a northern Indian state, has been arrested by the Indian police for his role in a staged kidnapping involving Chloe Renee...
Ude Edmund Chukwujindu, a Nigerian residing in Cambodia, has been tried at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for allegedly defrauding Singaporeans and Cambodians of $400,000 by...