“On 16/10/2024, at about 6:35 am, operatives of the command were alerted of the presence of a corpse with marks of violence on it by the youth leader,” the CP stated.“He alleged that the dead body is Paul Eyo, male, suspected member of Black Axe from Eyo Abasi, who was given machete cuts on his head leading to his death while one Ekpe, male, from Eyo-Abasi, a suspected member of Vikings cult group was also beheaded.“At about 12:15 pm, based on credible intelligence received in Abiak Owo Ebughu in Mbo LGA, where it was believed the gangsters that killed Paul Eyo earlier that morning came from, Mfon Etim Uzoma, Robert Effiong Etim, and Malachi Williams Ubokulo, were all arrested at a ravine in the village.”
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