Men beware – Lack of sex can make your wife miserable, angry – Newstrends
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Men beware – Lack of sex can make your wife miserable, angry



Men beware – Lack of sex can make your wife miserable, angry

IT is a well-known fact that sex has come to be an accepted stress reliever.  Some mornings, Felicia confesses she feels so lethargic she has to force herself out of bed.  At work, the lethargy turns to irritability and she finds herself snapping at colleagues for no reason before returning home and picking silly arguments with Dan, her husband about dirty dishes and not helping enough with the children.  Sound familiar?

While Felicia’s mood swings may bear some resemblance to the symptoms of pre-menstrual tension or mild anxiety.  They are completely unrelated to her hormones or mental state.  Her crushingly low spirits are caused by something else altogether – when she last made love.  Too long without sex, and she becomes miserable and fractions.  “I feel so low, it’s like I’m almost depressed,” confesses Felicia, 33, an executive assistant.  “On the weekend, I can’t be bothered to look after the house or do any house work and I’m so short-tempered and feel angry at Dan for everything.

“At work too, my colleagues detect my change in mood and ask if I’m Ok, and I’ll then say  I’m feeling a bit low so they won’t take it personally.”  Felicia, a mother of two children aged five and 16 months, said she made the connection between her mood swings and the state of her love life after her children were born.  “Before we had children, we’d have sex whenever we wanted and would hardly go a day or two without,” she recalls.  “But parenthood drained our energy and we’d often be too exhausted.

As the gaps between our lovemaking become wider, I noticed the difference in my attitude to Dan.  Even when we hadn’t had sex for just a week, I’d start to feel like we were drifting apart and it made me frustrated and angry.  I worried about everything and whether our relationship was in trouble.  It was very frightening.  I can see how couples could break up in these circumstances. A ‘sex famine’ as it’s now popularly referred to, is something many exhausted parents can identify with, not to mention couples who’ve lapsed into a lazy over-familiarity in long relationships.”


The truth is we’re simply not making love as often as we need to.  And what’s now becoming apparent are the serious repercussions.  As well as impacting on our mood and mental health, experts now believe a lack of sex is particularly responsible for the break-up of some marriages.  Early last year, scientists from Florida State University confirmed the importance of sex in making women happy, revealing it triggers an ‘afterglow’ that lingers for 48 hours and which helps couples to bond.  Without it, they become miserable and distant.

“And the statistics back this up – according to a recent global survey of 26,000 people aged 16 and older across 26 countries, only 44 per cent of people are fully satisfied with their sex lives. A report by the Kinsey Sex Institute noted that a woman who had sex nine times in a month was 1.24 times as likely to be happy as a woman who had sex four times in a month.

Scientists blame lack of sex activity in the bedroom on the stresses of modern living.  The researchers say this decrease in the amount of sex we have could be due to the increased connectivity of modern life, with screens and distractions which don’t go off at 11pm as the old and few TV CHANNELS USED TO.  You can see why people would have more time for sex.  What else was there to do on a rainy evening in the pre-Net-fix and wi-fi days than slip under the covers with a willing partner?

“Modern women are working harder too.  Add this to the fact that most of us are available online 24/7 and juggling demanding jobs with just as demanding children, and sleep is what most of us lust after in bed,.  Dr. Geoff Hackeff, a leading expert in sexual medicine believes if we carry on like this, sex is in danger of being a lost art.  “The domestic set-up in the Fifties, for example, seemed to positively encourage sex,” he says.  “But nowadays, there’s not enough focus on it.  Women are tired; they’re working or focusing on screaming children.  Some are even exhausting themselves at the gym – which, done to excess, can affect your hormones and destroy your desire.  An active sex life keeps couples together and makes people live longer.”

For Dan, Felicia’s husband, the Jekyll and Hyde changes in his wife’s personality when they don’t have time for physical intimacy have been hard to bear.  “It was awful,” he says.  “She’d shout at me for little things I had or hadn’t done, and because we both work full-time, it made everything so much harder.  Before we had kids, we’d have a lot of sex, but now we’re tired and it’s more difficult.  I do miss sex too, but I don’t suffer without it as much as Felicia does.  And the only thing that could end the strained atmosphere is to get intimate.  As soon as we have sex, her bad mood lifts and I have my loving, kind wife back.  It’s as if a switch had been flicked.”


Felicia agrees.  “It’s like we’ve entered the honeymoon period and for the next few days, I’ll feel all happy and normal again.  But this only lasts for a week or ten days, so we make a conscious effort to have sex regularly, even if we don’t feel like it.”  For year, studies have lauded the physical and psychological benefits of sex.  Behaviour linking regular sexual activity to emotional well-being, found that younger women felt more depressed the longer they hadn’t had sex.  This is because, like any exercise that raises your heart rate, sex causes your brain to release feel – good chemicals that boost your levels of serotonin – the happy hormone – to lift your mood.  Serotonin is the body’s key anti-depressant chemical and one of the major reasons people feel happy and relaxed after sex.

According to David Weeks, former head of old age psychology and clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, people need to be more aware of the importance of a healthy sex life, particularly in their early years.  “Sex has a number of health benefit, which can make men and women look five to seven years younger,” he says.  “It causes the release of endorphins, the ‘feel good’ chemical which acts as a natural pain-killer and reduces anxiety, aiding sleep.  The exercise itself boost circulation which is good for the heart and it also causes the human growth hormone to be released which produces more lean “muscles and less fat and makes the skin look more elastic and attractive.”

But it’s not just physiological benefits that count.  Dr. Weeks claims sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to quality of life and the psychological impact cannot be understated.  “If there’s an absence of pleasure, there is an absence of connectedness between two people, and people may start to have doubts about their relationships,” he says.  “Sex sustains intimacy and there are some people who crave that need for sociability and sex more than others.”

Who Needs Light In The Dark?  (Humour)

A guy on a date parks his car and gets his girlfriend in the back seat.  They make love, and the girl wants to do it again almost instantly.

They end up doing it a second, a third and a fourth time, until the bloke needs a rest and ask his girlfriend to excuse him as he needs to take a leak.  While out of the car, he notices a man a few yards away changing a flat tyre.  He walks over and says, “Listen, my girlfriend’s over there in my car and I’ve already given it to her four times and she still wants more.  If you give her one for me, I’ll change your tyre.”

The lucky motorist readily agrees, climbs into the vehicle and begins shagging the insatiable girl.  While he is at it doggy styles, a police man shines a torch through the window.  “What do you think you’re doing there?” he asks the man, who replies, “I’m making love to my wife.”

The police man looks bemused and says, “Why don’t you do it at home?”

The man answers, “Well, I didn’t know it was my wife until you shone the torch on her.”


Men beware – Lack of sex can make your wife miserable, angry


NAFDAC alerts Nigerians to fake Dettol soap



NAFDAC alerts Nigerians to fake Dettol soap

The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control has alerted Nigeria to the sale of a fake soap labelled as “Dettol Health Fresh Soap” in the market.

According to the alert on NAFDAC’s website on Thursday, the manufacturer of Dettol Antiseptic products confirmed that the soap is fake as it does not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.”

“The Marketing Authorisation Holder and manufacturer (Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria Limited) of Dettol Antiseptic products, received a consumer complaint regarding the above-mentioned product. The product was reported to have caused skin irritation to the complainant.

“The MAH has confirmed that the product is fake as they do not have any product by the name “Dettol Health Fresh Soap”. Dettol Antiseptic products are widely used in Nigeria for household disinfection and personal hygiene to prevent illnesses from germs (bacterial infection),” it said.

It added that details of the complaint product were not provided by the complainant except for the name of the product “Dettol Health Fresh Soap.”


The agency noted that the illegal marketing of NAFDAC-regulated products or fake products poses a risk to people’s health, and since they do not comply with the regulatory provisions, the products’ safety, quality, and efficacy are not guaranteed.

It said all NAFDAC zonal directors and state coordinators have been directed to carry out surveillance and mop up the fake product if found within the zones and states.

“Importers, distributors, retailers, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and consumers are advised to exercise caution and vigilance within the supply chain to avoid the importation, distribution, sale, and use of the fake product. All medical products must be obtained from authorised/licensed suppliers. The products’ authenticity and physical condition should be carefully checked.

“Healthcare professionals and consumers are advised to report any suspicion of the sale of substandard and falsified medicines or medical products to the nearest NAFDAC office, NAFDAC on 0800-162-3322 or via email:

“Similarly, healthcare professionals and patients are also encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of medicinal products or devices to the nearest NAFDAC office, or through the use of the E-reporting platforms available on the NAFDAC website or via the Med- safety application available for download on android and IOS stores or via e-mail on”

NAFDAC alerts Nigerians to fake Dettol soap

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JUST IN: Lagos shuts Idera market over dirty condition



JUST IN: Lagos shuts Idera market over dirty condition

The Lagos state government has shut down the Idera Market in the Oshodi-Isolo Local Council Development Area over unsanitary conditions.

Corps Marshal of the Lagos Environmental Sanitation Corps, popularly known as KAI, Maj. Olaniyi Olatunbosun (rtd), said ‘the market stinks’.

He said: “We shut Idera market because it stinks. They had probably not cleared the drainages for over one year and everywhere was smelly. So we shut the market based on the commissioner’s directive. And when they are ready to do the proper thing, the market will be reopened. It might take days or weeks, but it has to be clean.


“Though they complained of ineffective PSP operators in clearing their waste, we found out that they most likely don’t even patronise the PSP operators. Besides, Idera is not the only market in the Oshodi area so let them do the right thing by cleaning their space and the market will be reopened.”

JUST IN: Lagos shuts Idera market over dirty condition

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Two people remanded for allegedly unleashing dogs on police



Two people remanded for allegedly unleashing dogs on police

An Iyaganku Chief Magistrates’ Court in Ibadan has ordered the remand of Olayinka Akinware, 35, and Tunji Adesina, 29, for allegedly using four dogs to prevent police officers from arresting a suspect.

The court, presided over by Magistrate M. Mudashiru, did not take the plea of the defendants due to lack of jurisdiction and directed that they be remanded in Abolongo Correctional Facility pending legal advice from the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP).

The case has been adjourned until December 18 for further mention.

According to the Prosecution Counsel, Inspector Femi Oluwadare, Akinware and Adesina are facing charges of conspiracy and prevention of arrest. The incident occurred on September 12 at around 8:30 a.m. at their residence in Oluwo, Ibadan.


The suspects allegedly assaulted four police officers, DSP Festus Fagbohun, ASP Ojo Tolulope, Inspector Sariki Mohammed, and Corporal Tosin Olubode, with bamboo tree branches while unleashing their Pitbull, Rottweiler, and two Eskimo dogs to prevent the lawful arrest of a suspect, Korede Adeoye, who was staying at their house.

The prosecution stated that the offenses are in violation of Sections 332 and 516 of the Criminal Code Laws of Oyo State, which prescribe life imprisonment for the offender if found guilty.

This case has drawn significant attention due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the use of dogs in obstructing law enforcement.

Two people remanded for allegedly unleashing dogs on police

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