Lagos police releases permanent phone numbers Of DPOs ( Full list) – Newstrends
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Lagos police releases permanent phone numbers Of DPOs ( Full list)



Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Adegoke Fayoade

Lagos police releases permanent phone numbers Of DPOs ( Full list)

The Lagos police command has released phone numbers of divisional police officers (DPO) in the state.

Benjamin Hundeyin, the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer, disclosed in a statement on Saturday, June 8.

The police command said it has introduced permanent phone numbers for police divisions, area commands, and strategic officers.

The command said the innovation is aimed to establish a stable and reliable channel of communication between the public and the police.

“This move phases out the old era where the personal phone numbers of these strategic officers are used for official communication/ assignments, resulting in communication barrier whenever these officers are redeployed,” the command said.

“With the new arrangement, numbers remain permanently attached to particular offices such that with the redeployment of the occupants of such officers, the phone numbers remain the same.”

CP Adegoke Fayoade, Commissioner of Police, who spearheaded the initiative said it will enhance access, response times, and communication for the people of Lagos State.


The CP also acknowledged the Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) for donating desktop phones to all police divisions, facilitating the new phone lines.

He added that this development demonstrates the Command’s commitment to community engagement and public safety.

“With improved communication, the police can respond more effectively to incidents and concerns, fostering a safer environment for all.”

The phone contacts are shown below:

Lagos police releases permanent phone numbers Of DPOs ( Full list)


Fear grips Benue community over bandits N20m tax demand



Benue State Police Public Relations Officer, (PPRO), SP Catherine Anene

Fear grips Benue community over bandits N20m tax demand

Residents of Torough community in Ukum Local Government Area are grappling with fear and desperation as bandits have threatened an attack unless a tax of N20 million is paid within days.

The audacious demand has forced locals to sell their farm produce and livestock, with each household tasked with raising N500,000 to meet the bandits’ ultimatum.

Sources within the community, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, revealed that the levy has been distributed among households, with the smallest amount being N50,000. “Some have started disposing of their farm produce and livestock to raise the levy, while others have contacted their relatives outside to avert the attack,” one source disclosed to Punch.

The gravity of the situation is such that even the village head is reluctant to report the threat to security forces, fearing further provocation of the local militias.

Victor Iorzaa, chairman of Ukum Local Government, confirmed the threat and identified the notorious militia leader known as Full Fire as the mastermind behind it. “He has been terrorizing the area for the past five years, working with Fulani herdsmen to attack our people,” Iorzaa said. He recounted a recent military assault on Full Fire’s house, illustrating the ongoing efforts to curb his influence.


Iorzaa reported the extortion attempt to both the police and the state security council, highlighting the pervasive fear that grips the community. “The people of the area are living in fear; it’s the most troubled place in the local government,” he noted.

State Police Public Relations Officer SP Catherine Anene mentioned that such an incident had not been officially reported to the command. Meanwhile, Joseph Har, the Security Adviser to the Governor, dismissed the likelihood of bandits successfully collecting the tax, stating, “The criminals have been having a very tough time recently and can’t have the balls to wait and collect any tax.”

Har acknowledged the global trend of bandits imposing illegal levies but assured that the state government and security operatives are actively working to dismantle these criminal activities. “The criminals have been feeling the heat and most have fled their camps. We intend to sustain the momentum until we run them down or they surrender,” Har asserted, noting a recent reduction in bandit impunity.

Despite the government’s efforts, the threat remains imminent for the people of Torough, who continue to raise the demanded funds in a bid to avoid the feared attack.

Fear grips Benue community over bandits N20m tax demand

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Dismissed NECO officer in court over certificate forgery



Dismissed NECO officer in court over certificate forgery

A former National Examination Council (NECO) staff member, Mrs. Rose Deffi, has been arraigned in court for allegedly forging the certificate she used to secure employment with the organization. The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) brought charges against her following an indictment in 2020 during NECO’s nationwide certificate verification exercise.

This exercise led to the indictment of 89 NECO staff members for using fake certificates. The NECO Governing Board subsequently approved the dismissal of the indicted employees, and their cases were referred to the ICPC and the Nigeria Police Force for prosecution.


ICPC spokesperson Demola Bakare informed journalists in Abuja on Tuesday that Mrs. Deffi’s trial was initially scheduled for May 30, 2024, before Justice G.D. Fwomyon of the Plateau State High Court. However, the trial was delayed due to her absence. The court ruled that Mrs. Deffi should be served the charge sheet through substituted means and be produced in court by her lawyer at the next hearing.

Last Friday, when the case was called, Mrs. Deffi pleaded not guilty to all seven counts of forgery against her.

“In light of her plea, ICPC counsel Mr. O.G Iwuagwu requested another date for the commencement of the trial,” Bakare said. “The defence counsel, Mr P.M Lere, did not oppose this but asked the court to consider the bail application for his client.”

The ICPC counsel did not oppose the bail application but requested the court to set conditions to ensure Mrs. Deffi’s availability for trial. Justice Fwomyon granted Mrs. Deffi bail in the sum of N2 million, with two sureties in like sum, and adjourned the case to September 26, 2024, for the commencement of the trial.

Dismissed NECO officer in court over certificate forgery

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Groups demand justice after pastor, others attack Iseyin family



Groups demand justice after pastor, others attack Iseyin family

A resident of Iseyin, Oyo State, Mr Sulaimon AbdulAzeez, has pleaded for justice following the assault meted on him, his veiled wives and other family members on Eid ul adha day by soldiers hired by his  neighbour, who is a pastor.

In a chat with Daily Trust, Mr Sulaimon lamented the impunity which Pastor Busari Stephen, who heads the Christ Apostolic Church, Oke Imuse, Iseyin, enjoys despite the ongoing suffering inflicted on his family.

He added that the pastor who heads the church opposite his house had involved his son, a soldier named Damilola Stephen (aka recruit soldier), who led 17 other soldiers to unleash havoc on them for allegedly slaughtering a ram while facing their church.

Busari’s church was some 20 meters away from Sulaiman’s house even with a road separating them.

Newstrends reported that Busari and Christ Apostolic Church, Oke Imuse, Iseyin were sanctioned by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) after bloody attacks which resulted in the hospitalisation of the man and some members of his household.

Sulaimon said he was severely beaten and wounded while his pregnant wife was also beaten and dragged to the church premises by soldiers hired by Busari. Similarly, his other wife’s head was smashed. He added that his son was taken away by the soldiers while his mother and wife’s brother were also beaten.

The old woman was reportedly manhandled by one of the soldiers while another soldier slit open, with a knife, the palms of Daud Abdulazeez, Sulaimon’s  brother.

While Apostle Sunday Ogundairo, CAN chairman in Iseyin Local Government Area, assured that the pastor had been sanctioned by CAN and was asked to relocate his church from the area, Sulaimon bemoaned the improper handling of the reported case.


He said, “The town authorities have taken over the case; they want to ensure peace.  We are still receiving treatment and I want peace too. I do not want the case to escalate yet; I want justice. The pastor came to evacuate his properties from the church two days ago. No church activity occurred here on Sunday but he is going about his business as usual. We reported the case at Iseyin Divisional Police headquarters but he has since been released by the police. My lawyer petitioned the IG, copied the High Court and the civil defence. I have heard nothing from the police. Only the civil defence people called me.

“The police have denied me my rights since the inception of the case with Pastor Busari. Sometime in December, his soldier-son came to assault me in this house. It was at midnight and I made a report to the police but he wasn’t arrested and they were silent on the issue. Either Christian or Muslim, all rights ought to be protected under the law, but the police have not been fair to me.”

According to reports, the crisis resulted from a series of misunderstandings between Sulaimon Abdulazeez and Pastor Busari over the noise that usually comes from the latter’s church during their late-night vigils.

The matter was reportedly looked into by the Aseyin of Iseyin, who ruled that Pastor Busari should abate the noise pollution coming from his church by any means possible. Sulaimon added that the Aseyin suggested the use of sound acoustics to prevent noise pollution but Busari claimed that he could not afford it.

Daily Trust contacted Pastor Busari but he refused to comment on the issue, saying his lawyer had instructed him not to say anything as the case was going to court. He simply said, “Did they say that I was the one who invited the soldiers? Anyways, I have nothing to say; my lawyer has told me to say nothing; the case is in court.”

However, the lawyer to Sulaimon, Barr Abdulwaheed A. Olowonjaye, during a chat with Daily Trust expressed optimism that the police authority would treat the matter promptly and expedite investigation so that justice can be delivered.

“It is left to the police to act fast; we have done all necessary documentation and reporting. On the other hand, we have information that there are moves to charge the pastor with lesser offences, so that he could get away with the crime. I, as the legal counsel to the assaulted family, and the complainants are not aware, and we expect the institution of criminal prosecution against all the parties involved in the attack. We want the police to file this case as early as possible because justice delayed is justice denied. To achieve this, we are following up with the matter and hope that something meaningful will come out of it during the week,” he said.


Meanwhile, the Oyo State branch of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has urged the security operatives to arrest the suspects without further delay. The Islamic human rights organisation called for the arrest and prosecution of those involved in the attack and cautioned that the case must not be swept under the carpet.

Ambassador Mallam Ibrahim Agunbiade who chairs MURIC, Oyo State, noted that Busari’s son was earlier reported to the police by the community for noise pollution and environmental disturbance.

Similarly, the Amir of Organisation of Tadhamunil Muslimeen (OTM), Oyo State chapter, Ustādh Kamaludeen Udhayfah, described the inhumane action of the Iseyin pastor as callous.

The Amir called on the authorities to carry out a thorough investigation on the matter and if the pastor is found culpable, he should face the wrath of law so as to serve as a deterrent to others.

Also,  the Oyo State chapter of Federation of Muslim Women Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN) denounced the incident which it described as senseless.

FOMWAN in a statement issued and signed by its Amirah, Dr Lateefah Dairo, in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, condemned the fact that the perpetrators acted on the instruction of a Christian cleric.

“No individual or group has the right to take the law into their own hands or perpetrate violence against others, regardless of their religious beliefs or affiliations. The actions of these fake soldiers and the cleric who allegedly instigated them are a clear violation of human rights and the principles of peaceful coexistence.

“We call on the authorities to immediately investigate this incident, apprehend the perpetrators, and bring them to justice. We also urge religious leaders to promote tolerance, understanding, and peaceful coexistence among their followers,” the statement read.

A source who craved anonymity claimed that Damilola Stephen with the army registration number 23NA/85/11522 has absconded to Abuja.

In a telephone chat with Daily Trust, Apostle Ogundairo, CAN Chairman, Iseyin Local Government Area, said he has gone round pleading with the Islamic scholars in Iseyinland. He added that it was glaring that the pastor was guilty.

He said, “This evening I was with the Chief Imam of Iseyinland, he embraced and prayed for me. He said that the case would be settled and he would update me on developments.”

The Police Public Relations Officer of the Oyo State Police Command, Adewale Osifeso, said that investigation was ongoing.

Groups demand justice after pastor, others attack Iseyin family

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