Noone can rubbish TB Joshua’s legacies, Synagogue fires back at BBC
…says those interviewed unknown to SCOAN
The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) on Tuesday reacted to the BBC documentary on the late Temitope Babatunde Joshua (TB Joshua), founder of SCOAN.
SCOAN said TB Joshua’s miracles and acts of generosity were well documented and legendary, adding that any attempt to rubbish them would fail.
described the documentary as unfounded, noting that the characters interviewed in the report were unknown to the church.
The church in a statement signed by its Public Affairs Director, Mr Dare Adejumo, said the statement was aimed at disabusing public minds from the report.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that the BBC on Monday, released a highly controversial and damning documentary on the late TB Joshua, accusing him of various crimes, including rape against some members.
SCOAN said, “BBC world services investigative unit, code-named Africa Eye came out this week with weird and strange episodes of atrocities against the late founder of SCOAN.”
It said, to investigate and publish or broadcast reports was a central kernel in journalism but to do so outside the ethics and fundamental principles of the profession was an aberration.
According to the church, journalism as societal watchdog requires fairness, balancing and objectivity in order to command dignity, honour and respect as the fourth estate of the realm.
“BBC has compromised these lofty principles by descending into fictional narratives and propaganda, thus turning itself into a weapon for a hatchet job as gangsters in the gab of journalism with a destructive ulterior motive for personal gains against a perceived enemy.
“Only BBC can best explain why it woefully deviated from true journalism and chose to be dishing junks and feeding the public with stones called bread by its offensive and disenchanted reports of disgruntled elements.
“This, to say the least, is insulting to our professional and public intelligence.
One thing is very obvious, hundreds of BBC charades cannot rubbish the indelible footprints of TB Joshua’s legacies on earth again.”
According to the church, there are thousands of human beings who have received dumbfounding miracles and tremendously benefited from the anointing and grace the Lord endued with His servant.
“Those beneficiaries are all over the place and cannot be disputed that are lining up and responding angrily to this imperialist broadcasting station.
” Many of them are in the UK the home base of BBC but which its jaundiced investigative eyes cannot see but only the obviously suborned narrators!
“Myriads of broken homes reconciled by TB Joshua are also crying foul of BBC’s broadcast of iniquity.
“Uncountable hopeless children drawn from different parts of the world; some brought by their parents while some were picked from drug joints or brothels who have gotten their destinies restored are also pissed off by the offensive reports.
“BBC has obviously shot itself in the foot by its compromise and roadside journalism.”