A fierce battle between the two factions of Boko Haram that lasted several days led to the final fall of its notorious leader, Abubakar Shekau, on...
The Federal Government has set up a 10- member bi-partite committee to resolve the labour dispute between the Nigeria Labour Congress and Kaduna State Government. Kaduna...
By Dada Jackson Ogun State Government has mapped out plans to collaborate with Deutsche Gesellscraft fur International Zisammenarbeit (GIZ), a German Agency for International Cooperation, in...
Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria says it supports state governors’ decision to ban open grazing, stressing that the decision will address farmers-herders’ crisis. National...
The Senate has called on the Federal Government and relevant Security Agencies to ensure that those dismantling rail lines across the country are charged with economic...
By Dada Jackson Ogun State Government say it is set to employ additional teaching staff to address the paucity of teachers in some primary, secondary and...