A young man, Sapience Nnamdi Nnadeko, was stunned by his discovery on the Christmas Eve while driving through the Benin City, Edo State capital, looking for...
FG, Nollywood actors mourn Joy Ejiro, wife of Nollywood filmmaker Chico Ejiro, has said that famous filmmaker died in her hands. Ejiro died in the early...
Prospective couples must obtain clearance from the Lagos State Government to hold any wedding with 300 people in attendance. The state government stated this in a...
The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Dr Mathew Kukah, has said there could have been a coup or war in the country if Muhammadu Buhari had...
Kwara State government has sacked 2,414 teachers from the service of the State Universal Basic Education Board. The teachers’ disengagement was announced in a statement titled,...
The Nigerian Medical Association has said at least 20 doctors have died of coronavirus complications in the past seven days. This came just as the Nigeria...