Nine child workers die in Egypt as bus plunges into the Nile – Newstrends
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Nine child workers die in Egypt as bus plunges into the Nile



Nine child workers die in Egypt as bus plunges into the Nile

At least 10 female farm workers, nine of them children, died in Egypt on Tuesday when a minibus plunged off a river ferry and into the Nile northwest of Cairo, the health ministry said.

“The toll is at 10 and could rise,” ministry spokesman Hossam Abdelghaffar told AFP.

Reporting the accident, the state’s flagship Al-Ahram newspaper said the driver, who had released the handbrake, was arrested while trying to flee.

He had “a verbal argument” with one of the passengers before getting out of the bus, the paper said.

Two of the victims — all of whom worked on an “export-oriented fruit farm” — were 13 years old, according to a list published by Al-Ahram.

The rest were 16 and younger, except for one victim who was identified as a 40-year old woman.

The vehicle sank at the village of Abu Ghalib, some 50 kilometres (31 miles) northwest of the capital.

Villagers used small wooden boats to row out and help search-and-rescue workers look for survivors, as relatives waited anxiously on the banks of the narrow stretch of the Nile.

A crane was finally able to lift the minibus from the water, after rescuers and locals had swum out to extract victims from the windows of the submerged vehicle.


Nine injured passengers — most of them also minors, according to al-Ahram’s list — were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment, the health ministry said in a statement.

A search operation was “ongoing” into the evening for five more passengers who were unaccounted for, Al-Ahram said.

The ministry of social solidarity said it would provide financial compensation “to the families of the deceased and injured”.

After carrying out an initial investigation at the scene, the public prosecutor’s office ordered a technical inspection of the minibus to try to determine “the reasons it had plunged into the water”, Al-Ahram reported.

Commuter accidents are common in Egypt, especially in agricultural areas along the Nile and adjoining streams, where small, overloaded boats ferry farmers and workers back and forth.

At least 1.3 million children are engaged in some form of child labour in the Arab world’s most populous nation, official figures show.

Most do unpaid work on family farms, according to the International Labour Organization.

However, children are also frequently sent to work on large-scale export-oriented farms, according to rural sociologist Saker al-Nour, who has studied agricultural labour conditions extensively.

“These accidents happen repeatedly because girls are packed, in their own words, like sardines into these minibuses” to go and work in “terrible conditions”, he told AFP.

Nine child workers die in Egypt as bus plunges into the Nile



Rwanda-backed M23 rebels capture crucial town in DR Congo



Rwanda-backed M23 rebels capture crucial town in DR Congo

M23 rebels, supported by Rwanda, have taken control of a significant town in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s tumultuous eastern region, a local official reported on Saturday.

“Kanyabayonga has been under M23 control since Friday evening,” stated the official, who wished to remain anonymous.

Kanyabayonga is strategically located on the northern front of the conflict in North Kivu province. This region has been plagued by violence since 2021, when the M23 (March 23 Movement) reignited its insurgency.

The town serves as a gateway to major commercial hubs, Butembo and Beni, in the north.

Kanyabayonga, which houses over 60,000 residents, has also become a refuge for thousands of people who have fled their homes due to the rebel advance.

Situated in Lubero territory, Kanyabayonga is the fourth territory in North Kivu that the M23 has infiltrated, following Rutshuru, Nyiragongo, and Masisi.

“The people in Kanyabayonga, especially those who had relocated from Rutshuru to Lubero, have no place left to go. It’s a situation of complete despair, and the population is exhausted,” the official added.


A resident mentioned that during a meeting led by M23 spokesperson Willy Ngoma on Saturday, the rebels encouraged residents to stay in Kanyabayonga, promising peace.

“They claim they will reach Kinshasa. How long can we keep running?” the resident asked, expressing skepticism about the rebels’ promises.

Colonel Alain Kiwewa, the military administrator of Lubero territory, observed an influx of displaced individuals from Miriki, Kirumba, and Luofu heading north. “This situation is deeply concerning,” he stated.

Local sources reported escalating clashes between Congolese forces and the M23 around Kanyabayonga on Friday, with fighting also heard in nearby towns.

“A night filled with gunfire,” described a youth leader from Kayna, located 17 kilometers (10 miles) north of Kanyabayonga. He noted that people fleeing from Kanyabayonga “spent the night under the stars,” overwhelmed with fear.

In Kirumba, 25 kilometers (15 miles) from Kanyabayonga, the population is gripped by panic, a civil society leader disclosed on condition of anonymity. “We can’t move. We have no idea where to go,” he said.

The United Nations Joint Human Rights Office, in its monthly report, highlighted that the clashes are causing significant civilian displacement. “Humanitarian organizations providing aid to the displaced have halted their operations due to security concerns,” the report stated.

Rwanda-backed M23 rebels capture crucial town in DR Congo


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Kenya’s President Ruto withdraws finance bill after deadly protests



Kenyan President William Ruto

Kenya’s President Ruto withdraws finance bill after deadly protests

Kenyan President William Ruto said Wednesday that a bill containing contentious tax hikes would “be withdrawn”, dramatically reversing course after more than 20 people died and parliament was ransacked by protesters opposed to the legislation.

But he warned that the withdrawal of the finance bill would mean a significant shortfall in funding for development programmes designed to help farmers and schoolteachers, among others, as the East African nation struggles to lower its foreign debt burden.

“I concede and therefore I will not sign the 2024 finance bill and it shall subsequently be withdrawn,” Ruto told a press briefing, adding: “The people have spoken.”


Ruto’s administration has been taken by surprise by the intensity of opposition to its tax hikes, with protests breaking out across the country last week.

The largely peaceful rallies turned violent on Tuesday when lawmakers passed the legislation and police fired live rounds into crowds that ransacked the partly ablaze parliament complex.

The state-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights said it had recorded 22 deaths and 300 injured victims, adding that they would launch an investigation.

Frustration over the rising cost of living spiralled last week as lawmakers began debating the bill containing the tax hikes.

Ruto’s cash-strapped government said the increases were needed to service the country’s massive debt of some 10 trillion shillings ($78 billion), equal to roughly 70 per cent of Kenya’s GDP.

Kenya’s President Ruto withdraws finance bill after deadly protests

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Kenya investigates police conduct in protests over new tax plan



Kenya investigates police conduct in protests over new tax plan

Nairobi, Kenya – An investigation has been initiated in Kenya concerning police conduct during protests against a government plan to implement new taxes, the country’s police watchdog announced on Friday.

Anne Makori, chairperson of Kenya’s Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA), praised the peaceful nature of the protesters and urged police restraint. She acknowledged the tragic killing of a protester and the injuries sustained by both demonstrators and police officers.

Protest Details and Casualties

On Thursday, thousands of protesters marched through Nairobi and other major cities and towns across Kenya. They demanded that legislators reject a finance bill that proposes new taxes. The peaceful protests were marred by violence, leading to casualties.

The mother of Rex Munyao, a 29-year-old man killed during the protests, recounted the events leading to his death. Gillian Munyao stated her son was returning from work when tear gas was fired in his direction, and police opened fire on fleeing protesters. Rex was struck in the leg and, despite pleas for assistance, police allegedly refused to help him, leading to his death from heavy bleeding.

The Kenya Red Cross Society reported 39 injuries, with 8 individuals in critical condition. However, a joint statement by several organizations, including the Law Society of Kenya and Amnesty International, indicated that at least 200 people were injured during the protests.

Calls for Accountability

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) called on the IPOA to investigate instances of police violence during the demonstrations. ICJ Chairperson Protas Saende emphasized that using live bullets against protesters is “disproportionate and unlawful.”


Despite the documented injuries and the death of Rex Munyao, the police have not commented on the casualties. Inspector General Japhet Koome released a statement affirming that officers would not tolerate attempts by demonstrators to occupy critical government infrastructure.

Protesters attempting to reach the parliament buildings, where the finance bill debate was ongoing, were met with water cannons, tear gas, and either rubber or live bullets.

Finance Bill Controversy

The contentious finance bill proposes several new taxes, including medical insurance levies, taxes on vegetable oil, and an additional fuel levy. The bill passed its second reading, with a final vote expected next week. The government has made some amendments to the bill, removing a value-added tax on bread and an eco-levy on goods that would have increased the prices of sanitary towels and diapers.

Broader Implications

The protests reflect widespread dissatisfaction with the proposed tax measures, which many Kenyans see as an additional burden in an already challenging economic environment. The ongoing investigation and subsequent findings by the IPOA will be critical in addressing public concerns about police conduct and ensuring accountability.

As Kenya navigates this period of political and social unrest, the government’s response to both the protests and the concerns raised about police actions will be closely watched by both domestic and international observers.

Kenya investigates police conduct in protests over new tax plan

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