11 states panic as water release from Lagdo Dam begins Following torrential rains and the recent devastation of Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, due to the...
Lagdo dam: FG plans buffer dams to tackle flooding The federal government has revealed its plan to construct five buffer dams to contain incessant flooding arising from...
Flood alert in Edo, Delta, Anambra, others over Lagdo dam water release The Federal government has put states along the River Niger and Benue axis on...
Lagdo Dam: Expect flood in 9 states – NEMA alerts Nigerians The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has alerted Nigerians to expect flood in nine states...
Lagdo Dam: FG urges frontline states to begin evacuation of Nigerians The Federal Government has advised state governments in frontline areas to take necessary measures towards...