Updated: Sex-starved husband cries out as wife threatens to date another woman – Newstrends
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Updated: Sex-starved husband cries out as wife threatens to date another woman



Ishaq Ojo and wife, Awawu

Updated: Sex-starved husband cries out as wife threatens to date another woman

Eighteen years ago, Ishaq Ojo exchanged marital vows with his wife, Awawu. But the love between the couple flipped recently sending the once happy couple on a warring path that has shattered their matrimony.

In a video recording exclusively obtained by our reporter, Ojo is seen frantically crying for help while struggling to break free from the grip of his wife, who is threatening to dispatch him into early grave.

The couple’s daughter (name withheld) and a female relative of Awawu are also heard pleading with Awawu to stop attacking Ojo.

The recorded incident occurred at the couple’s home in Obide-Ntabo Ibaragun near Ijoko area of Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area, Ogun State.

“I will make sure that I kill you. I have been told to kill you and I will kill you. It is today that you will die…” Awawu threatened in the video recording.

Ojo on his part is seen screaming: “She has bitten me again! She has smashed my mobile phone on the ground…Please, don’t kill me!”

Their daughter is also heard saying: “My mother, please don’t kill him… I beg you in the name of God, consider the fact that both of you have been taking care of me.”

Speaking with our reporter, Ojo, who works with a Lagos-based television station as a cameraman, explained that the recording captured moments when Awawu drew a kitchen knife and went after him after trying unsuccessfully to suffocate him with a pillow.

He said he was left with no choice but to cry out for help.

The embattled husband said: “I fled home more than two weeks ago when she brought out a knife and threatened to kill me.

“Our daughter and one of my wife’s  sisters, who were around, were the ones holding her back from stabbing me with the knife. Hence, I fled home for my dear life.

“I had barely returned from work that day when she stirred up an altercation, and before I knew it, she went into the kitchen, brought out a knife and tried to stab me.”

But what actually turned Ojo and Awawu into estranged couple after almost a decade in marriage? Ojo offered an insight, saying that his wife suddenly forbid him from mating with her, giving various excuses.


He said: “She sells building materials and I was responsible for setting her up in the business.

“The genesis of this crisis is that I took a second wife after she deliberately denied me sex for more than six months.

“She had been threatening to kill me even before she found out about the new woman in my life.

“She actually trailed my new woman to her residence where she threatened that she would deal with her if she did not desist from seeing me.

“I decided to take a second wife after she stopped me from making love to her for six months.

“First, she told me she was having sex with other men outside, including an hotelier, who is one of her rich customers and that I can no longer make love to her.

“At another time, she told me that she usually experienced low sales and patronage in her business each time I had sex with her. Hence, she denied me sex at home.

“She continued to assault me each time I tried to make love to her.

“She had used a screwdriver to stab me and also bit me with her teeth several times. The scars are all over my body.”

Ojo explained further that he once reported his wife to some Muslim clerics, who intervened and pleaded with her to no avail.

“When I invited some Muslim clerics who taught her the Koran to talk to her, she again said that she usually suffered misfortune in her business whenever we had sex and that was the reason she denied me of sex.

“The clerics told her that she was wrong to have denied me sex but she turned a deaf ear to their admonitions.

“I was advised by people to leave my home for her because she could kill me one day.

“After she found out about my new wife, she started asking me to make love to her everyday.

“However, if I refused that sex should not be an everyday thing, she would assault me and threaten to deal with me if I did not quit my affair with my new wife, especially after she found that I had impregnated the lady and she was delivered of a baby.

”She held me by the throat and attempted to suffocate me with a pillow. And when I managed to free my neck from her grip, I ran out of the house.

“She then went to report to the police at the Agbado Police Division that I assaulted her just to prevent me from attending the naming of the baby my new wife had for me.


“I was arrested and detained, and she asked that I should be charged to court for assault.

“Even when the policemen there told her that the penalty for assault is seven years imprisonment, she insisted that I must be prosecuted.

“My family members and friends pleaded with her and the police, I was freed after the police forced me to sign an undertaking that I would never assault her again and that I must desist from seeing my new wife and baby henceforth.

“She also took the matter to a monarch in Ota where she was cautioned about her attitude and asked to stop hostility with me.

“Dissatisfied, she took the matter to a radio programme and maligned my person.

“She is from Ibadan. She is about 46 years old and its very disturbing how she changed overnight.

Sometime ago, she woke me in the wee hours and confessed that she was seeing a rich hotelier who happened to be one of her customers and that she had sex several times with the man. I could not believe my ears and I was devastated.

“A few days later, she changed the story, saying that she was only trying to gauge my reaction and was not dating the hotelier.

“Later, she said that a spirit husband was making love to her while sleeping and that she could no longer have sex with me. I was no longer having any peace of mind at home.

“I am the owner of my house at Obide Ntabo community in Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State. But I needed to leave the home to save myself from untimely death from my cruel wife.

“She has two I could children for me; a boy and a girl. I could not have raised my hand against her because I know that she is a sickle cell patient. But she is cruel at home, not minding her fragile health.”

Ojo added: ”The Baale (head) of our community heard about the matter on a radio programme when my wife reported me. But when the Baale asked her about it, she denied being the one mentioned, saying that nothing was wrong with her marriage.

“However, when the Baale called me on the phone I opened up to him that the matter was about me and my wife and that she actually took the matter to a radio programme.

“It was then that she now told the Baale that she denied being the one mentioned on the radio programme because she did not want her domestic matter to gain public traction, especially in our neighbourhood.

Awawu could not be reached through calls and text messages to get her comments.

Source: The Nation

Updated: Sex-starved husband cries out as wife threatens to date another woman


19-year-old transformer vandal electrocuted in Enugu



19-year-old transformer vandal electrocuted in Enugu

A yet-to-be-identified suspected electricity vandal has been electrocuted while attempting to steal transformer cable which belong to the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company.

A statement on Friday by the Head, Corporate Communications of EEDC, Emeka Ezeh, said the incident happened in the early hours of Friday.

Ezeh, who described the incident as “tragic and very unfortunate,” lamented the increasing rate at which vandals attack electricity installations within the EEDC’s network daily.

Ezeh said, “In the early hours of today (Friday), the lifeless body of a yet-to-be-identified vandal suspect was found within the space of a distribution transformer belonging to the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company Plc located around Missionary Avenue, Coal Camp, Enugu.


“From all indications, it is presumed that the power supply must have been restored while the deceased was cutting the armoured cables, which resulted in him being electrocuted.

“Vandalism has been a big challenge to the company, and there is no way this can be addressed without the support of critical stakeholders.”

Ezeh lamented the increasing rate at which criminals plunder electricity installations within EEDC’s network daily, noting that it has adversely impacted not just the quality of service to its customers but also its revenue.

Meanwhile, the organisation in a statement on Friday, said, “The attention of the EEDC has been drawn to a video circulating on the social media space, made by one Mazi Okechukwu Cyril Nwuche who claims to be a lecturer at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, and the Anambra State Chairman of South East Electricity Consumers Association, purporting that EEDC is calling on its customers to apply for a free prepaid metre.

“This information is not only incorrect but laced with mischief aimed at misleading unsuspecting customers and creating confusion within the space.

“Whilst EEDC encourages its customers in need of meters to apply and have their premises metered, it is important that they are armed with the right information, and that they also understand the procedure in place for metre acquisition.”

19-year-old transformer vandal electrocuted in Enugu

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Court remands man for defiling eight-year-old daughter in Ondo



Court remands man for defiling eight-year-old daughter in Ondo

A Family Magistrate Court sitting in Akure, Ondo State, has ordered the remand of a man, Mufutau Taiwo, for allegedly defiling his eight-year-old daughter.

The 35-year-old defendant was arrested by policemen for committing the offence at Ayedun Quarters, Akure, a few weeks ago. He was later charged in court on one count charge of rape.

According to the police prosecutor, Mr Martins Olowofeso, the defendant was apprehended on June 18, 2024, following a report made to the Anti-kidnapping Unit of the command at Alagbaka (Akure) that the defendant was involved in an incestuous act with his daughter.

The charge sheet reads, “That you, Mufutau Taiwo, 35, male, on June 5, 2024, at about 4 pm at No. 40 Egbe-Road, Ayedun Quarters, Akure, did have carnal knowledge of your daughter, (name withheld), female, aged eight years old, of the same address, and thereby committed an offense contrary to and punishable under Section 25(a) of the Ondo State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2021.”


Olowofeso informed the court that the Investigating Police Officer conducted a test in Akure, which revealed that there was penetration into the victim’s private part and she had been bleeding for three days.

He added that the defendant had confessed to the alleged crime during interrogation by the IPO.

The prosecutor, through an application, urged the court to remand the defendant at the Olokuta Correctional Centre pending the issuance of advice from the Department of Public Prosecutions.

The counsel to the defendant, G.O. Omoedu, told the court that his client had just served and he would need time to respond on points of law, urging the court to adjourn the case to enable him to reply to the remand application.

In her ruling, the magistrate B. A. Alipohul ordered that the defendant should be remanded in police custody and adjourned the case till July 4, 2024, for a hearing.

Court remands man for defiling eight-year-old daughter in Ondo

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Eight killed as one-storey building collapses in Kano



Scene of a building collapse [File photo]

Eight killed as one-storey building collapses in Kano

At least eight people were feared dead when a one-storey building collapsed in the Kuntau area of Gwale Local Government Area, Kano State.

The incident occurred early Friday morning while laborers were working on the construction site.

Sources from the area reported that at least 15 individuals, including the building owner, were trapped when the structure gave way.

The owner, referred to as Sharu, was constructing the new storey to attach to his existing home. Some of the trapped individuals were passersby who had sought shelter from the rain.


Upon hearing the news, Sharu’s wife reportedly rushed to the site, crying for help. Neighbors and passersby quickly mobilized to rescue those trapped under the rubble. Seven people were rushed to Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital, and one person died on the way.

A staff member of the Kano Fire Service, who sought anonymity, confirmed that the building trapped 15 people, with seven fatalities reported so far. Buses from the Kano State Fire Service, along with police personnel from the Dorayi Division, left the area around 7:30 p.m. to ensure no one remained trapped in the building and as a precautionary measure.

Preliminary reports suggested that the collapse was due to the use of substandard building materials. Efforts to reach the Kano State Fire Service’s public relations officer were unsuccessful.

Eight killed as one-storey building collapses in Kano

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