Reps, NAFDAC lift ban on sale of sachet alcoholic beverages – Newstrends
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Reps, NAFDAC lift ban on sale of sachet alcoholic beverages



Reps, NAFDAC lift ban on sale of sachet alcoholic beverages

The House of Representatives and the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) have decided to lift the ban on the sale and consumption of sachet alcoholic beverages in the country temporarily.

This decision will remain until the economy recovers fully. NAFDAC initially banned these beverages due to concerns about drug abuse, especially among young Nigerians.

On February 7, 2024, the House mandated its committee to investigate the ban.

The decision to lift the ban temporarily followed a meeting between the House Committee and NAFDAC officials, as announced by Deputy House spokesman Philip Agbese.


He said, “We all agreed at the meeting that at a certain stage in history, we must move on with our counterparts across the globe. Nevertheless, at the moment, we agreed with NAFDAC that there would be a temporary lifting of the ban until the economy regains its strength.”

Speaking on how the decision was arrived at, Agbese who represents Ado/Ogbadigbo/Okpokwu Federal Constituency, Benue State, said, “We had engagements with stakeholders, including NAFDAC and the organised private sector involved. Resolutions were reached at that meeting based on the submissions made by the stakeholders, civil society organisations and other interested parties.

“Part of the recommendations before the parliament was that the ban was not timely given the current economic realities and coupled with the fact that the five-year moratorium granted by NAFDAC to the private sector, the advent of COVID-19 and other economic realities we are facing today did not permit the operators in the industry to comply with their terms.”

Reps, NAFDAC lift ban on sale of sachet alcoholic beverages


25 cholera cases recorded in Ogun, one dead



25 cholera cases recorded in Ogun, one dead

The Ogun State Commissioner for Health, Tomi Coker on Monday, disclosed that the state has recorded 25 suspected cholera cases in seven local government areas in the state.

Coker explained that nine cases had been confirmed while one death was recorded.

She stated that the state epidemiology unit had been put on red alert during a press conference held at the Olusegun Osoba Press Centre, Governor’s office, Abeokuta.

The affected LGs are Ado Odo/Ota; Remo North; Odeda; Sagamu; Ijebu North; Ewekoro and Obafemi Owode.

Coker said that the Ministry is coordinating the outbreak response in conjunction with other stakeholders from the Ministry of Environment, Information and Education.

The Commissioner said that the treatment of cholera is free in all public health facilities across the State and that trained rapid teams across the 20 LGAs are prepared to respond to calls on these following lines; 08038642812; 07034214893 and 08084250881 on short notice.

She said, “As of today 24th, June 2024, the Ogun state has recorded 25 suspected cases of Cholera in 7 LGAs namely, Adoodo/Ota, Remo North, Odeda, Sagamu, Ijebu North, Ewekoro, and Obafemi Owode, with 9 confirmed case and unfortunately, one death.


“At inception, we received the alert on June 12, 2024, about the first two cases. Both cases tested positive with a Cholera rapid diagnostic kit and were managed at the State Hospital, Ota. The two cases had travel history to Lagos State 24 hours prior to presentation.

“Also, cholera test kits and other consumables needed for treatment have been distributed to all LGAs and designated treatment centres to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment. The treatment of Cholera is free across all government facilities in Ogun State.”

She said that some Local Government Areas such as Abeokuta South, Abeokuta North, Ijebu North, Obafemi Owode, Ifo, and Ado-Odo/Ota have been identified to be high-risk areas.

She stated that the fluid movement of people from neighbouring states, especially Lagos, which is the epicentre of the cholera outbreak, has made the disease spread in border LGs areas of the State.

She equally said that cholera vaccines are not currently available in the state urging the citizens to adhere to precautionary measures to ward off this disease.

Speaking during the briefing, the Commissioner for Environment, Ola Oresanya, said that the state government has constructed over 60 public toilets across the State to address open defecation.

Oresanya said that the industry has improved on waste management collection across the state while promising that the Ministry would continue to monitor water channels in areas that are densely populated.

Representative by Oluwole Majekodunmi, the Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Abayomi Arigbagbu, admonished school administrators to ensure that hygienic foods are served to the pupils and students.

Arigbagbu encouraged school administrators to sensitise their pupils and students on proper hygiene and regular washing of hands among others.

25 cholera cases recorded in Ogun, one dead

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NAFDAC alerts public to fake B-GAG syrup



NAFDAC alerts public to fake B-GAG syrup

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has notified Nigerians about the illegal production and sale of unregistered B-GAG mist pot CIT syrup.

The alert is contained in a public in notice No. 023/2024, issued by the agency’s Director-General, Prof. Mojisola Adeyeye, in Abuja on Sunday.

The unregistered product is alleged to have been sold by a company named Babban Gida Agalawa General Enterprises.

According to the statement, the product, being presented in a pet bottle, was discovered during a surveillance operation carried out by the NAFDAC Post Marketing Surveillance Directorate Officers in Maiduguri, Borno, and Keffi, Nasarawa States.

It said that the product was found to be without NAFDAC registration number and a misleading label.

NAFDAC in the statement said that illegal marketing of medicines or counterfeit medicines posed a risk to public health.

Adeyeye noted that without compliance with regulatory provisions the safety, quality, and efficacy of such products were not guaranteed.


The agency gave the batch number of the fake product as: 0070, manufacturing date as: 01/02/2024, as well as the expiring date as: 01/02/2027.

Adeyeye also gave the address of the manufacturer as No. 883/884 Western Bypass Ring Road, Kumbosto Local Government, Kano State.

Adeyeye further said that NAFDAC Zonal Directors and State Coordinators had been directed to carry out surveillance with a view to mopping up the illegal products within the zones and states.

She advised consumers and caregivers to avoid the use of the product, adding that all medical products must be obtained from authorised and licensed suppliers.

Adeyeye said that products’ authenticity and physical condition should be carefully checked before buying.

She also advised healthcare professionals and consumers to report any suspicion of either the sale of substandard and falsified medicines or medical devices to the nearest NAFDAC office.

Adeyeye called on the public to report any adverse reaction to NAFDAC on 0800-162-3322 or via email:

She encouraged healthcare professionals and patients to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of medicinal products through NAFDAC E-reporting platforms.

The e-reporting platforms, according to her are:, the Med- safety application available for download on android, and IOS stores or via e-mail on

She said the notice about the product would be uploaded on the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Surveillance and Monitoring System (GSMS).

NAFDAC alerts public to fake B-GAG syrup

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Breakthrough as HIV prevention drug records 100% success



Breakthrough as HIV prevention drug records 100% success

A promising new HIV prevention drug called lenacapavir has shown 100 percent efficacy in a clinical trial among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa and Uganda.

The twice-yearly injection was found to be superior to daily Truvada, the current standard for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This is according to Gilead Sciences, the developer of lenacapavir.

In a release signed by Kay Marshall, Senior Communications Advisor for AVAC, the organization welcomes the groundbreaking results of the PURPOSE 1 study which enrolled over 5,300 cisgender adolescent girls and young women ages between the age of 16 and 26 in South Africa and Uganda.

The study evaluated injectable lenacapavir for PrEP and daily oral emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (F/TAF) for PrEP.

An independent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB), at a scheduled review of the trial data, found the regimen to be safe and highly effective, with no infections seen among trial participants who received injectable lenacapavir.


HIV prevention advocate and AVAC’s executive director, Mitchell Warren hails the lenacapavir trial results as a significant advancement. He emphasized the potential of long-acting injectables to increase adherence, improve access, and reduce strain on healthcare systems.


“We expect to see a timeline that takes into account a full analysis of PURPOSE 1 data and the coming data from PURPOSE 2 from Gilead as soon as possible, and we urge regulatory agencies to prepare to fast track regulatory review.

“We look forward to working with civil society partners, Gilead, international donors, normative agencies and national governments to ensure that this groundbreaking HIV prevention option is made available as quickly as possible and that we don’t squander this opportunity to drive down new HIV infections,” Warren said.

The Regional Stakeholder Engagement Manager for AVAC, and a member of the PURPOSE 1 Global Community Advisory Group, Nandisile Sikwana said, “We are incredibly excited about this result, especially about what it can mean for women in Africa. We applaud Gilead’s commitment to Good Participatory Practice in this and the other PURPOSE studies.

“While we wait for full data from the study, including adherence data of oral F/TAF, it is imperative that planning for rollout of lenacapavir be accelerated. We know that even with the most ambitious timeline, it will take time for lenacapavir to be rolled out”.

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