Policeman chops off wife’s hand over N20,000  dispute – Newstrends
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Policeman chops off wife’s hand over N20,000  dispute



Policeman chops off wife’s hand over N20,000  dispute

An Inspector of Police, whose name is yet to be ascertained, has allegedly cut off his wife’s hand over what was confirmed as “a minor disagreement over N20,000”, Vanguard is reporting.

According to sources familiar with the incident, the pregnant wife of the Inspector of Police is still in the hospital.

Vanguard News said it gathered the Inspector left the money at home in the Dong area of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State.

By the time he returned to take the money, it was no longer where he left it, leading to an argument between him and his wife.

In the heat of the argument, he reportedly harmed his wife.

He has since been arrested and detained at the Plateau State Police Command Criminal Investigation Department.

The spokesman of the Plateau State Police Command, Alfred Alabo, confirmed the development to Vanguard News.


Alabo, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Vanguard on the phone: “We are aware of the incident.

“The man is an Inspector.

“Right now, he is at the State CID and the investigation is ongoing.

“He had a minor misunderstanding with his wife over some money.

“They had an argument over some N20,000 he kept in the house and he said he was looking for the money to do something and an argument ensued.

“The case is under investigation.”

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, also told Vanguard News: “The wife is pregnant.

“She refused to give the man N3,000 from N20,000.

“The argument was heated and before we knew it, the man cut off her hand.

“No one can say why he did that but we are concerned about her.

“She was rushed to a hospital.”

Policeman chops off wife’s hand over N20,000  dispute


Hisbah confiscates 142 cartons of alcohol heading to Buhari’s local govt



Hisbah confiscates 142 cartons of alcohol heading to Buhari’s local govt

The Katsina State Hisbah Board has seized about 142 cartons of alcohol intended for delivery to Daura Local Government Area of the state.

Dr. Aminu Usman, the state Hisbah Commander, revealed this information during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Saturday.

The alcohol was seized on Monday during a comprehensive patrol aimed at eliminating immoral behaviors and indiscipline, Usman stated.

The operation, which took place along the state’s ring road, resulted in the interception of a vehicle carrying the cartons of alcohol. Malam Nafi’u Ma’azu-Akilu supervised the task, ensuring the confiscated items were delivered to the board’s headquarters for further investigation.


In a related incident, the board arraigned two women for loitering and immoral conduct. This marks the fourth time these individuals have faced such charges.

The women, identified as Fatima Umar (Yargata) and Raliya Isah (Yar Ruma), both approximately 24 years old, were previously warned and counseled to reform their behavior. Their failure to comply led to their arraignment before a Sharia Court.

Both women pleaded guilty and were remanded in a correctional facility until further trial on Thursday.

Usman urged parents, teachers, and community leaders to enhance their efforts in promoting discipline and good morals among the youth. He also called for continued support for the board’s initiatives to restore community values.

Hisbah confiscates 142 cartons of alcohol heading to Buhari’s local govt

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Many feared dead as female suicide bombers strike Borno communities



Many feared dead as female suicide bombers strike Borno communities

No fewer than four suspected female suicide bombers have killed an unspecified number of people, including a soldier, by detonating their explosives at different locations in Borno State.

In Tashan Mararaba, Gwoza town, Borno State, at least six people were killed and many others injured in a bomb attack at a wedding venue. This was confirmed by Zagazola Makama, a security analyst.

The bomber, identified as a young lady in her early twenties, detonated her explosive device in the middle of the gathering, causing chaos and destruction. The victims, all civilians, were returning from the wedding celebration when the attack occurred near a busy motor park.


Emergency services were rushed to the scene to rescue the injured and transport them to hospitals in Gwoza.

Similarly, another bomber, disguised as a mourner, detonated an explosive device in Gwoza LGA as people were preparing for the funeral of the victims killed earlier. The victims, all civilians, were gathered to pay their respects when the attack occurred. At least one additional person died, and 16 others were injured and rushed to the hospital.

In response, the Nigerian military has declared a curfew in the Gwoza area of Borno State following these devastating suicide bombings.

Many feared dead as female suicide bombers strike Borno communities

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Anambra couple arrested for starving their five underage boys



Anambra couple arrested for starving their five underage boys

A couple has been arrested and handed over to the police over the treatment meted out to their five underage sons in the Osumenyi community, Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Mr Uche and Mrs Peace Mbonu are accused of alleged child abuse, starvation and refusal to provide necessities for their five underaged boys.

The arrest was carried out by the security operatives of the Nnewi South LGA before they were handed over to the police through the state Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Welfare, Ify Obinabo.

This was made known on Saturday, June 29, in a statement by the media aide to the commissioner, Chidimma Ikeanyionwu.

The statement read, “On why they starved the kids, the couple denied the allegation and stated in their defence that the kids are always in the habit of eating raw rice, which makes them infuriated.

“While pleading for pardon, the couple said that they always feed the kids but that the children prefer eating raw rice, which they don’t know where they picked up the behaviour from.

“On his part, the oldest of the kids, Chigbo Mbonu, revealed that Peace Mbonu is his father’s third wife, and ever since she came into their family, they have faced a lot of untold hardship.


“Chigbo Mbonu, who is currently 17 years old, said that they feed once a day for the days their stepmother will give them food but rely on raw rice and palm kernel after hunger must have greatly dealt with them.

He went ahead to explain that he, at some point, stopped schooling because he helped his father in his block industry. He noted that he moulds blocks with four bags of cement on a bad day and six bags on normal days.

“Further physical examination of the children by the Women Affairs commissioner showed that they have been greatly starved and in need of medical care.

“It is important to note that Mr Uche Mbonu has married two wives before finally settling with the third one Peace Mbonu, who was his sales girl, and that the kids are all product of his previous marriages.

“According to the security operatives who helped in apprehending the culprits, they explained that after they got the husband, his wife Peace ran to Nnewi, her maternal home to hide before they eventually apprehended her too.”

While reacting to the development, the Commissioner for Women Affairs, Ify Obinabo, condemned the act and stated that the state government will continue to ensure that child labour, abuse and all forms of maltreatment are reduced to the barest minimum.

The couple has since been handed over to the police for further investigation, after which the matter will be charged to court.

Anambra couple arrested for starving their five underage boys

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